Welcome to finda.fish. This is an online Poker Tracker for the
PokerTH community. It collects and
analyzes data about the online players' behaviour.
Tracking what?
The tracking is inspired by professional software like
Poker Tracker or Holdem Manager. It then calculates important values like
VP$IP or the Aggression Factor which let you deduce what kind of player
you are facing and what moves you can expect from him/her.
Online Tracking
Unlike its predecessor, which
could only analyze your own log files, finda.fish accumulates the log files
of all its users in order to provide a bigger picture.
How It Works
You can jump in directly and get an overview of already known players.
If you want more details on that player however, you first need to upload
your PokerTH log files. This projects depends on its users' data donations in the end.